Q: How long will my bedding last?
A: Depending on how “wet” your animal is and how the coconut bedding is maintained, your product should last at least two months all the way up to 6 months. We recommend completely stripping and replacing your product every 4-6 months.
Q: How do I properly maintain my animal bedding?
A: It is simple but requires consistency in order not to lose product. Any solid waste can be scooped up and shaken off, with a rake or something similar, in order to let loose product fall back down. Much like a litter box! And wet spots need simply be raked across to spread it out and your bedding will dry quickly. Frequency per day depends on the habits of your animal.
Q: Is it safe if my animal eats it?
A: It is perfectly safe, non-toxic, organic plant substance. However, due to its highly absorbent, moisture attracting properties, most animals will find it to drying and spit it back out!
Q: Why doesn’t it blow away like shavings?
A: The unique structure of the tiny fibers in the coconut coir interlock like a loose web causing it not to blow away in the wind like traditional shavings. An initial watering down with a hose of the newly laid down product will help enable this.
Q: How does it reduce odors and pests so well?
A: Coconut coir has the ability to draw in and lock impurities to its center and not leach them back out into the surrounding environment, holding in odor causing, pest elements that attract pests.
Q: What does it mean that the coconut fiber is non-leach?
A: It means one the coir has absorbed and locked in an element, it can not be extracted back out, despite rain, raking or being walked on. Assuring a clean, fresh environment for the life of your product.
Q: How do I introduce my used bedding into my garden?
A: Simple! When you are ready to completely replace your bedding, just strip it out completely and store it in a bin and treat it as you would a fertilizer! Till it into the top layer of your garden, water and wait for the amazing results!
Q: Can I plant directly into the coconut coir?
A: You can treat your animal bedding as a growth medium, planting directly into unused coconut fiber. We recommend a 50-50 mix with traditional soil.
A: Depending on how “wet” your animal is and how the coconut bedding is maintained, your product should last at least two months all the way up to 6 months. We recommend completely stripping and replacing your product every 4-6 months.
Q: How do I properly maintain my animal bedding?
A: It is simple but requires consistency in order not to lose product. Any solid waste can be scooped up and shaken off, with a rake or something similar, in order to let loose product fall back down. Much like a litter box! And wet spots need simply be raked across to spread it out and your bedding will dry quickly. Frequency per day depends on the habits of your animal.
Q: Is it safe if my animal eats it?
A: It is perfectly safe, non-toxic, organic plant substance. However, due to its highly absorbent, moisture attracting properties, most animals will find it to drying and spit it back out!
Q: Why doesn’t it blow away like shavings?
A: The unique structure of the tiny fibers in the coconut coir interlock like a loose web causing it not to blow away in the wind like traditional shavings. An initial watering down with a hose of the newly laid down product will help enable this.
Q: How does it reduce odors and pests so well?
A: Coconut coir has the ability to draw in and lock impurities to its center and not leach them back out into the surrounding environment, holding in odor causing, pest elements that attract pests.
Q: What does it mean that the coconut fiber is non-leach?
A: It means one the coir has absorbed and locked in an element, it can not be extracted back out, despite rain, raking or being walked on. Assuring a clean, fresh environment for the life of your product.
Q: How do I introduce my used bedding into my garden?
A: Simple! When you are ready to completely replace your bedding, just strip it out completely and store it in a bin and treat it as you would a fertilizer! Till it into the top layer of your garden, water and wait for the amazing results!
Q: Can I plant directly into the coconut coir?
A: You can treat your animal bedding as a growth medium, planting directly into unused coconut fiber. We recommend a 50-50 mix with traditional soil.